The average Guaymi family lives on less than $400 per year. This ammount is less than 10% of the average income of the general populations of Costa Rica and Panama.
Agriculture The Guaymi farm a large variety of crops. They grow corn, rice, beans, coffee, sugar cane, pineapples, and various root crops. They also harvest citrus, banana, plantains, mangos, and avocados. In a year with a good harvest, they will attempt to sell a portion of the harvest but for the most part the Guaymi are subsistence farmers. To a lesser extent, the Guaymi raise cattle, chicken, and pigs. Some individuals will raise tilapia. To help supplement the meat in their diet, the majority of the men hunt for a variety of game. Deer, tepizquinte, and wild pigs are the favored game. Iguana and monkey are also common targets. Traditionally bow and arrows were used for hunting but that method has largely been abandoned for the use of .22-caliber rifles. |